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李明   研究员
职  务: 生物精神病学实验室负责人
学  历: 理学博士
电  话: +86 871 65189508
传  真:
电子邮件: limingkiz@mail.kiz.ac.cn
通讯地址: 云南省昆明市盘龙区茨坝街道龙欣路17号 中国科学院昆明动物研究所    650201
  简  历

李明,博士,研究员,博士生导师。2008年毕业于武汉大学生命科学学院获学士学位,2013年于中国科学院昆明动物研究所获遗传学博士学位,同年赴美国约翰霍普金斯大学医学院从事博士后研究,2016年起在昆明动物研究所工作,成立生物精神病学学科组。中国神经科学学会第八届理事会理事2023-中国神经科学学会精神病学基础与临床分会委员(2020-);云南省神经科学学会常委和青委会主委(2022-);云南省精神心理疾病临床医学研究中心学术委员会专家(2022-);主持国家自然科学基金委杰出青年基金(2022)、国家自然科学基金委优秀青年基金(2017)、国家海外高层人才引进计划青年项目(2017);BMC Medicine期刊副主编2022-)。JAMA PsychiatryMolecular PsychiatryBiological PsychiatryScience BulletinBMC Medicine等期刊发表论文。



1.        利用遗传学、生物信息学、机器学习等,比较双相障碍患者与健康对照个体间遗传背景差异,以及不同人体表型的遗传学基础,发掘能服务于早期诊断和有效干预的突变和基因。

2.       构建可模拟双相障碍患者临床症状的小鼠和灵长类动物模型,结合人诱导多能干细胞和脑类器官模型,解析疾病风险基因造成的脑功能异常及机制,结合其与相关药物的交互作用情况,寻找新药物与疗法的潜在靶标。


1.      Yin MY, Guo L, Zhao LJ, Zhang C, Liu WP, Zhang CY, Huo JH, Wang L, Li SW, Zheng CB, Xiao X, Li M, Wang C, Chang H. Reduced Vrk2 expression is associated with higher risk of depression in humans and mediates depressive-like behaviors in mice. BMC Medicine 2023;21:256.

2.      Yang ZH, Cai X, Ding ZL, Li W, Zhang CY, Huo JH, Zhang Y, Wang L, Zhang LM, Li SW, Li M, Zhang C, Chang H, Xiao X. Identification of a psychiatric risk gene NISCH at 3p21.1 GWAS locus mediating dendritic spine morphogenesis and cognitive function. BMC Medicine 2023;21:254.

3.      Wu Y, Zhang CY, Wang L, Li Y, Xiao X. Genetic insights of schizophrenia via single cell RNA-sequencing analyses. Schizophrenia Bulletin 2023;49:914-922.

4.       Qi HX, Xiao X, Li T, Li M. New "drugs and targets" in the GWAS era of bipolar disorder. Bipolar Disorders 2023;25(5):410-421.

5.       Zhang CY, Cai X, Guo L, Wang L, Liu Z, Luo XJ, Li M, GeseDNA Research Team, Wang C, Li T, Xiao X. Genetic evidence for the "dopamine hypothesis of bipolar disorder". Molecular Psychiatry 2023;28:532-535.

6.      Shang MY, Wu Y, Zhang CY, Qi HX, Zhang Q, Huo JH, Wang L, Wang C, Li M. Bidirectional genetic overlap between bipolar disorder and intelligence. BMC Medicine 2022;20:464.

7.      Sun P, Wang L, Yang Y, Zhang CY, Yang L, Fang Y, Li M. Common variants associated with AKAP11 expression confer risk of bipolar disorder. Asian Journal of Psychiatry 2022;77:103271.

8.      Li M, Li T, Xiao X, Chen J, Hu Z, Fang Y. Phenotypes, mechanisms and therapeutics: insights from bipolar disorder GWAS findings. Molecular Psychiatry 2022;27:2927-2939.

9.      Xiao X, Zhang CY, Zhang Z, Hu Z, Li M, Li T. Revisiting tandem repeats in psychiatric disorders from perspectives of genetics, physiology, and brain evolution. Molecular Psychiatry 2022;27:466-475.

10.    Zhang CY, Xiao X, Zhang Z, Hu Z, Li M. An alternative splicing hypothesis for neuropathology of schizophrenia: evidence from studies on historical candidate genes and multi-omics data. Molecular Psychiatry 2022;27:95-112.

11.   Chen R, Yang Z, Liu J, Cai X, Huo Y, Zhang Z, Li M, Chang H, Luo XJ. Functional genomic analysis delineates regulatory mechanisms of GWAS-identified bipolar disorder risk variants. Genome Medicine 2022;14:53.

12.    Zhang Y, Zhang CY, Yuan J, Zeng XZ, Zhai SS, Xiao X, Li M, Yang JZ. Epistatic interactions of NRG1 and ERBB4 on antipsychotic treatment response in first-episode schizophrenia patients. Schizophrenia Research 2022;241:197-200.

13.   Li HJ, Zhang C, Hui L, Zhou DS, Li Y, Zhang CY, Wang C, Wang L, Li W, Yang Y, Qu N, Tang J, He Y, Zhou J, Yang Z, Li X, Cai J, Yang L, Chen J, Fan W, Tang W, Tang W, Jia QF, Liu W, Zhuo C, Song X, Liu F, Bai Y, Zhong BL, Zhang SF, Chen J, Xia B, Lv L, Liu Z, Hu S, Li XY, Liu JW, Cai X, Yao YG, Zhang Y, Yan H, Chang S, Zhao JP, Yue WH, Luo XJ, Chen X, Xiao X, Fang Y, Li M, for the GeseDNA Research Team. Novel risk loci associated with genetic risk for bipolar disorder among Han Chinese individuals: A genome-wide association study and meta-analysis. JAMA Psychiatry 2021;78:320-330.

14.   Chang H, Cai X, Li HJ, Liu WP, Zhao LJ, Zhang CY, Wang JY, Liu JW, Ma XL, Wang L, Yao YG, Luo XJ, Li M, Xiao X. Functional genomics identify a regulatory risk variation rs4420550 in the 16p11.2 schizophrenia-associated locus. Biological Psychiatry 2021;89:246-255. (Cover story)

15.   Chang H, Cai X, Yang ZH, Xiao X, Li M. Regulation of TRANK1 by GSK-3 in the brain: unexpected interactions. Molecular Psychiatry 2021;26:6109-6111.

16.   Zhang C, Xiao X, Li T, Li M. Translational genomics and beyond in bipolar disorder. Molecular Psychiatry 2021;26:186-202.

17.   Cao X, Liu WP, Cheng L, Li HJ, Wu H, Liu Y, Chen C, Xiao X, Li M, Wang GD, Zhang YP. Whole genome analyses reveal significant convergence in obsessive-compulsive disorder between humans and dogs. Science Bulletin 2021;66:187-196.

18.   Cai X, Yang ZH, Li HJ, Xiao X, Li M, Chang H. A human-specific schizophrenia risk tandem repeat affects alternative splicing of a human-unique isoform AS3MTd2d3 and mushroom dendritic spine density. Schizophrenia Bulletin 2021;41:219-227.

19.    Li W, Cai X, Li HJ, Song M, Zhang CY, Yang Y, Zhang L, Zhao L, Liu W, Wang L, Shao M, Zhang Y, Zhang C, Cai J, Zhou DS, Li X, Hui L, Jia QF, Qu N, Zhong BL, Zhang SF, Chen J, Xia B, Li Y, Song X, Fan W, Tang W, Tang W, Tang J, Chen X, Yue W, Zhang D, Fang Y, Xiao X, Li M, Lv L, Chang H. Independent replications and integrative analyses confirm TRANK1 as a susceptibility gene for bipolar disorder. Neuropsychopharmacology 2021;46:1103-1112.

20.   Yang Z, Zhou D, Li H, Cai X, Liu W, Wang L, Chang H, Li M, Xiao X. The genome-wide risk alleles for psychiatric disorders at 3p21.1 show convergent effects on mRNA expression, cognitive function and mushroom dendritic spine. Molecular Psychiatry 2020;25:48-66.

21.   Li H, Zhang C, Cai X, Wang L, Luo F, Ma Y, Li M, Xiao X. Genome-wide association study of creativity reveals genetic overlap with psychiatric disorders, risk tolerance, and risky behaviors. Schizophrenia Bulletin 2020;46:1317-1326.

22.   Liu W, Li W, Cai X, Yang Z, Li H, Su X, Song M, Zhou DS, Li X, Zhang C, Shao M, Zhang L, Yang Y, Zhang Y, Zhao J, Chang H, Yao YG, Fang Y, Lv L, Li M, Xiao X. Identification of a functional human-unique 351-bp Alu insertion polymorphism associated with major depressive disorder in the 1p31.1 GWAS risk loci. Neuropsychopharmacology 2020;45:1196-1206.

23.    Li HJ, Su X, Zhang L, Zhang CY, Wang L, Li W, Yang Y, Lv L, Li M, Xiao X. Transcriptomic analyses of humans and mice provide insights into depression. Zoological Research 2020;41:632-643.

24.    Yang ZH, Cai X, Qu N, Zhao LJ, Zhong BL, Zhang SF, Chen J, Xia B, Jiang HY, Zhou DY, Liu WP, Chang H, Xiao X, Li Y, Li M. Identification of a functional 339 bp Alu insertion polymorphism in the schizophrenia-associated locus at 10q24.32. Zoological Research 2020;41:84-89.




肖潇             研究员

李世武         副研究员

蔡欣             助理研究员

王路             实验师

霍晋华         研究实习员

杨朝好         研究实习员

刘杨洋         研究实习员



杨智辉         2020级博士研究生

周丹阳         2020级博士研究生

张楚祎         2021级博士研究生

尹美钰         2022级博士研究生

张悦             2023级博士研究生

张雅旗         2021级硕士研究生

张雪蕊         2022级硕士研究生

杨溢             2022级硕士研究生

杨姗             2023级硕士研究生

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